BioHive Launches “STEM September”

BioHive Launches "STEM September"

In conjunction with STEM events happening around the state, BioHive joined the fun by bringing together life science professionals to promote and celebrate STEM education in Utah.

Last week, BioHive kicked off its celebration of “STEM September” with an evening of networking in downtown Salt Lake City. Life sciences professionals joined from all over the Salt Lake Valley to connect with the industry and support the efforts of BioHive.

“I was so inspired hearing stories from the people that make Utah’s life sciences industry so successful,” said Katelin Roberts, Executive Director of BioHive. “The themes were consistent – Utah is a caring community, we love where we live and what we do, and as a BioHive collective we are passionate about ensuring marginalized and underrepresented communities find a pathway into this industry in order to share in its opportunities and success.”

In conjunction with this event, BioHive hosted a book drive to benefit the Utah STEM Action Center STEM Spots.

STEM Spots are free-standing lending libraries full of STEM materials for community members of all ages to borrow, explore and return at their leisure. These libraries are going up across the state with an emphasis in reaching rural and traditionally underserved communities to expand access and awareness to STEM.

Protecs, a leading, innovative full-service project and construction management company focused on serving the hi-tech regulated market sectors including the life sciences, donated an entire box of books for the STEM Spots. Each book contained an encouraging note to the reader inside the front cover. Thank you, Protecs!